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This week's passage is Malachi 3:13-4:6. As we make our way from the book of Kings to the New Testament, we are taking a quick stop in the Old Testament's final book/prophecy. We will be looking at one of the prophecies of Elijah's return. 

Malachi is quite short and while it is a prophecy to Israel, I believe that we can find much application for the current state of the church within its words. I encourage you to read through the entire book of Malachi before Sunday (It is only 4 chapters and should take ~15 minutes). 

Some questions to ask as you read through Malachi:

How does the theme of "the Fear of the Lord" come out in this book?

How do we see some of Israel's misconceptions [mentioned in this prophecy] of following God play out in the church today?

Why will the day of the Lord be great and dreadful?

Why do we see Moses and Elijah mentioned at the end of Malachi? Why do they also appear together at the transfiguration of Jesus?